Wednesday 18 December 2013

As we've been looking at materials changing state, have a look at this interesting graph about temperature:

Here is another scale about the distances in space:

Monday 16 December 2013

Myths and Legends Stories

Monday 9 December 2013


1. Look at the legend and myth website again. Choose your favourite one and think of 6-8 pictures that you could draw to explain the story for the lesson tomorrow.

2. Complete maths fraction sheets. (today and tomorrow)

3. Continue to learn times tables and division

4. Learn spellings. I want EVERYONE TO GET FULL MARKS NEXT WEEK!!!! 

Tuesday 26 November 2013


We are currently looking at time. Have a look at this website about different time zones around the world.

Homework English 26th and 27th November.

- Read the story of Hercules from all of the websites.
- Your task is to rewrite Hercules a modern version of the 12 tasks he has to complete.

Eg- scoring a goal in a final, beating you at a computer game, climbing Everest etc.


Friday 22 November 2013

Homework for weekend.

1. If you did not complete yesterdays homework- PLEASE DO IT!!

2. Use the myth/legend website again. Choose 3 or 4 of your favourite ones, and write why you like them.

3. Choose 2 that you don't like and give at least two reasons why.

4. Revise time. Both 12 and 24 hour.

5. Practice your lines and songs for the show. 

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Homework 21st November:

1. Learn the lines for the show, and learn the words for the songs- VERY IMPORTANT!!!

2. What myths and legends do you know? Write the names of the story and write a few sentences about  what happens in each of the stories. 

You might find that different countries have different stories.


During the next few weeks we will be looking at myths and legends. Here is a really good website that tells you many different stories. Enjoy!!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Literacy Homework Tuesday 19th November:

You have just watched the secondary school production of the Wizard of Oz. You need to write a review about the the show:

Characters and their feelings
What happened in order

You should finish your report with a final paragraph- Mr. Boardman hasn't been to see the show, SO should he spend his money to go and watch it or not? Remember reasons WHY!!- don't just write yes! 

Thursday 14 November 2013

Maths Games: Please look and play some of these games.
Well done to those who completed the interviews. There are some very interesting and funny ones. Please read each one and:

- write two good things about the interview
- write one thing that could be improved next time:

 e.g- speech marks, setting the scene where the interview takes place, questions asked.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Literacy Homework Tuesday and Wednesday night:

To conduct and interview with a member of your family. You task is to write an interview about the life of a member of your family. It would  best to interview your parents or older brother or sister:

What to do:
- Think of some open questions to ask eg: best holiday, first childhood memory, what makes them happy/sad, what do they enjoying doing in their spare time, what do they still want to see/visit in the future.

- Take notes, remember to place events in order, only use important information, write in past tense, use connectives and time connectives.

-Look at my post on Monday 7th October about setting the scene of the interview Read yours again and think about how you could improve it!- you all can!!

- Then write your entry on the blog. I'm looking forward to reading them!!

- Any questions, or you aren't sure if you're doing it right, come and ask me!!

Friday 8 November 2013

Homework- 8th November. 

If or when you have finished the word problems please learn your spellings, what prime numbers, multiples and factors are for test on Monday. 

Thursday 7 November 2013

We have been looking at Solids, Liquids and Gasses, try these games to test what you know:

Here are some of your Halloween poems:


     Pumpkin lanterns full of light,
     Such a freak at 12 o’clock sight.
     Spooky zombies try to roar,
     Coming tonight to knock on your door!
     Spider webs and masks,
     Spiders and bats,
     Long straight noses and pointy hats.
     Witches and wizards out on the street,
     Knock on your door for a trick or treat.
     When the moon is high and the day is done,

     Open your door and have some fun!!!

Halloween  is here lets go to a house, but I Don't mean an ordinary house I mean a haunted house. Where there are skeleton's and things that are too scary to imagine .
 If you see them you might pea on your pants cause of fright.
Thing that you will see will take you to a different sight.
 So you will have really unforgettable night.

Happy Halloween trick-or-treaters
Alarming moaning from haunted houses
Lanterns glowing
Lovely sweets
October is here and we are ready to dress-up
Weird zombies
Eyeballs popping out of skulls
Excellent costumes

Nightmares when you go to sleep

Happy Halloween!
Amazing stuff will happen,
Lollies  given out to kids.
Laughter  all around!
Oh what shall I choose Trick or Treat.
What do you think? 
Err I don’t know I would prefer a treat !
Everyone is happy

Now Happy Halloween!!!!!

Haunted house are scary.
Awkward ghosts  freak me out.
Lot’s of kids scare adults.
Lot’s of nightmare’s.
Owls stay up for Halloween night .
Whiskered black cats  are good for Halloween decorations.
Every kid likes  Halloween costumes.
Eerie people are freaked out.

Nasty costumes looks weird.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Homework- try the maths games especially the jug challenge. Remember to dress up in costume tomorrow!!

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Try these games for Maths. Enjoy!!:

Look at the different graphs you can create:

Reading the scales

Jug Investigation

Space Suspense Stories- posted under story writing heading. Please read and comment on those. 

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Science Homework- Endangered animals

Use the websites below to find out the answers to the following questions. House points will be awarded for an animal that no one else has picked. Pick 3-4 animals:

Where they live

How many are left

What can be done to help them

Monday 7 October 2013

Literacy Homework

To write your weekend interviews. Here is an example of the beginning of one:  

Mr. Boardman reporting here on a slightly cold day at the British School of Istanbul. I am here to interview Mr. Scarff about his weekend. Mr. Scarff turns up slightly late at 10:05, but he is dressed smartly and he looks like he really wants to tell me about his weekend.

Mr Scarff went to a museum this weekend, and it sounds like he enjoyed himself, ‘It was an excellent exhibition at the Istanbul Modern and I took lots of pictures.’ He went with two friends who are both Turkish, and the museum is right by the river in Istanbul.

Afterwards he went for a really nice meal in Taksim Square where he ate pasta, and a delicious cheesecake for desert. 

Friday 4 October 2013

Homework 4th October:

Play the Sudoku game. Start with easy and try and work your way up to EVIL!!

To write another suspense story and post them on here:

Use a different setting
2/3 characters
2 bad/strange things that happen
How you escape

Monday 30 September 2013

Homework for 30th September

1. Read the comments back from your story, and reply to 5 of them.
2. Write instructions about what has happened today. Start with what time you woke up, to what time you went to bed. Try and include as much detail as possible.

Use time connective words: First, next, after that, finally, then...

Friday 27 September 2013

Reminder: Space Camp meeting in school at 11 a.m. on Monday 30th September. 
Homework 27th September

- Comment on everyone's story. 2 things you liked about it, and 1 thing that you think they could improve on next time.
- Continue to play maths games
- Look at website with timeline of Ottoman Empire 
- Continue to learn your times tables 
- Continue to learn spellings. 

Ottoman Empire

Look at the important information regarding the changes in the Ottoman Empire:

Thursday 26 September 2013

Instructions how to post on blog:

Click on Story Writing on right hand side
Scroll to bottom of the page
Comment as- name/url
Type your name in
Write your comment
Click Publish
Type in security code with no spaces or capital letters (should not happen every time)
Your comment will appear, after I have checked it, the next day. 


If you've posted your story, try these games:

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Countdown Game

Here is the Countdown game we play. Play it against your parents or your brother or sister. When someone gets the target number, press the countdown clock. Pick two large numbers and the rest small, then press target. Good luck!!

Story Writing

Wednesday 18 September 2013

You are to make a PowerPoint presentation of the author C.S. Lewis.

Here are some useful websites for you to look at:

You should include:

When and where he was born
Early life
What school/s he went to
Why he wanted to become an author
What books he wrote
When he died

Any other facts...?
Include pictures!!

Mr. Boardman

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Welcome to Year 5B

Hi Year 5B, it's the beginning of the school year, so why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself.