Friday 31 January 2014

Homework for the weekend- Science project

You are going to create another presentation about a planet.

Things to consider:

- size
- relative size
- moons
- temperature
- what is it made of.....

Use pictures and videos, and you can make something if you want for the presentation. Presentations to be ready for Tuesday.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Homework Wednesday and Thursday Story Writing

- As you have read all the presentations about the Romans it is now time to write a story about them.

- You have just woken up in the Roman times and you are there for one day. Write about your experience there.

-Things to consider:


how do you feel?
what you smell and see?
anything else?

- You can write it like a diary entry. 

-plan it tonight and write it tomorrow.


Monday 27 January 2014

In Science we are going to be looking at the topic 'Earth, Sun and Moon'. Here are a few websites for you to enjoy looking at. There's even a nice song for you.

Homework Monday 27th January:

All your presentations were fantastic and you all clearly put a lot of time and effort into them, so well done!!

Tonight one of you in each group must copy your Prezi link under your group name. Then, each of you watch the other presentations and comment under each one three things you have learnt. There was a lot of information, so take your time and watch the videos and look at the pictures in greater detail. 

Nic, Keenan and Norden
Achintya, Arthur and Matei
Amina and Ulgen
Ali, James and Fernandes
Charlotte and Hazal
Minjoo, Maxima and Hee Jae
Space Camp Update- 

The doctor will be in on Thursday.

Tuesday 21 January 2014


Dear parents,

Dr Ibrahim Dereboy will be coming to Zek next week to perform medical checks for Zek students at a cost of 30TL per student. 

Students will need to return their Space Camp forms prior to the day in order that Dr Ibrahim can complete the medical forms

Homework update- 

There was some good work today and you were all able to get on with your presentations. You have until Friday to finish your presentations and to write a script for it. The presentation should be between 4-5 minutes (it's longer than you think), and you all need to say something.

A lot of you have videos which is good, but they are very long. Make sure you choose the correct video, and the most interesting part of it. Good luck!!

Monday 20 January 2014


Dear parents,

Dr Dereboy has agreed to assist us with the space camp medical form. The form must be completed by a certified doctor. He is willing to give up his time to do a medical assessment and sign the space camp form. It is a space camp requirement for insurance purposes. To go to space camp a medical doctor's signature is required.

Turkish citizens can use the village clinic at relative little expense or they can also sign up for Dr Dereboy. 

Non-Turkish residence may use the service offered by Dr Dereboy or use doctors at hospitals and clinics at their convenience. Going to the American Hospital and Aci Badem can be an expensive experience, in the order of $300 so I have been told by one of the parents recently. 

Dr Dereboy will be coming to our school. In order to determine accurately the number of students wanting this service I need parents to reply directly to this email in order that we can work out a cost. This will assist Dr Dereboy determine the cost of the consultation and inform us some time hopefully tomorrow. So tomorrow numbers collected, this will be sent to Dr Dereboy and he will inform us of cost and then everyone will be informed.

Mr Dave, Mr Boardman and Miss Holt.  
Homework all week- History project to present to class on Thursday

1- you are going to go on the website

2- everyone in your group set up an account. You will need an email address either your own or your parents.

3-choose the free account

4- after your account is activated, copy your email address under your group name

5- One of you go and create new prezi and choose a template for your presentation

6- to make sure everyone in your group can work on it at the same time, the person who has chosen the template needs to click share at the top, and click share prezi. Go back to your group and copy email addresses, and add each one. 

for help:

7- Copy the link of your prezi and post it on the blog so the group members can access it after they have logged into their prezi account. HOPEFULLY THIS WILL ALL WORK!!

If this doesn't work then use the blog to communicate to each other. You could decide to work on it at different times, or you have different jobs to do for it each night, 
Eg: editing information, 
finding out more information
editing the presentation

Any problems then let me know tomorrow. 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Weekend Homework- History project

Work together in your groups and post information, links to pictures and videos. Decide which ones are best and gather all the information you need for your presentation. 

Achintya, Arthur and Matei
Amina and Ulgen
Ali, James  and Fernandes
Charlotte and Hazal
Min Joo, Maxima and Hee Jae
Nicholas, Keenan, Norden

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Homework 15th January

- Finish writing your own ending for the Danish Poet

- Watch the end of the play:

- Write what happens IN YOUR OWN WORDS about the end of the story

- Write which ending you think is better and why. Give three reasons. 

Monday 13 January 2014

History Project 14th January

- In 2/3's you are going to create a presentation on the Romans.

- You can use books from home, books in the library and the internet to find your information out.

- You can choose two topics from: army, slaves, religion and beliefs, farming, food, houses, clothes and hobbies.

- Remember to include pictures and as much relevant information IN YOUR OWN WORDS about the topics.

- Here are a list of websites to help you get started:

13th January Homework- To create your own mathematical word problems

- Create 4 word problems. Make sure they are not all addition.
- Write a calculation that you can do first, no more than two step calculations per questions, and then write the question.

EG: 34 x 5 + 6= 176

I had five bags of sweets. Each bag contained 35 sweets in them. I ate all of the sweets in the bags and a friend gave me six more. How many did I eat altogether?

When you see some questions posted, start answering them.

Friday 10 January 2014

Also: We are starting to look at The Romans next week, so if you are allowed, bring in anything you have at home about them.

Every Wednesday bring in your recorder for music. 
Homework for weekend: 

To write two stories under these headings. Remember: paragraphs, adjectives, setting, no more than five characters, beginning, middle and an end.
Adventure Stories
Fantasy Stories
Suspense stories

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Homework Wednesday: 

1. Please complete yesterdays homework, and comment under the ones which you think are lies. 

2. Here is the video we watched in class today:

3. Similar to what we started in class today, create a storyboard of your favourite meal/ what you had for tea tonight, and think of the interesting ingredients you could use from around your house. 

ALSO:To follow on from today's maths lesson, here is the website with some challenging puzzles for you to attempt. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Homework 7th January

- A little bit of fun homework for you tonight. 

- Two lies and one truth game continued from class. Think hard about two true things about yourself and one lie. Don't lie about something like 'I went to the moon'. 

- Try and make all three statements believable. Everyone will comment on which one they think is the lie tomorrow, and each of you will reveal which one the lie was.

- Two house points to everyone who fools the majority of the class.